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Produkt zum Begriff Data-Driven Decision Making:

  • Real-World Data Mining: Applied Business Analytics and Decision Making
    Real-World Data Mining: Applied Business Analytics and Decision Making

    Use the latest data mining best practices to enable timely, actionable, evidence-based decision making throughout your organization! Real-World Data Mining demystifies current best practices, showing how to use data mining to uncover hidden patterns and correlations, and leverage these to improve all aspects of business performance.   Drawing on extensive experience as a researcher, practitioner, and instructor, Dr. Dursun Delen delivers an optimal balance of concepts, techniques and applications. Without compromising either simplicity or clarity, he provides enough technical depth to help readers truly understand how data mining technologies work. Coverage includes: processes, methods, techniques, tools, and metrics; the role and management of data; text and web mining; sentiment analysis; and Big Data integration. Throughout, Delen's conceptual coverage is complemented with application case studies (examples of both successes and failures), as well as simple, hands-on tutorials.  Real-World Data Mining will be valuable to professionals on analytics teams; professionals seeking certification in the field; and undergraduate or graduate students in any analytics program: concentrations, certificate-based, or degree-based.

    Preis: 36.37 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Data Driven Controlling
    Data Driven Controlling

    Data Driven Controlling , Den Controllerinnen und Controllern stehen immer mehr interne und externe Daten zur Verfügung, die gemanagt und genutzt werden wollen. Ein modernes, datengetriebenes Controlling weiß, wie diese Ressourcen genutzt und effektiv zur Entscheidungsunterstützung aufbereitet werden. Dieses Buch bietet dazu die Grundlagen und Konzepte. Es richtet sich an alle, die das Controlling durch den Einsatz moderner Data-Analytics- und Machine-Learning-Tools modernisieren möchten. Es dient als Leitfaden, um die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten der datengetriebenen Entscheidungsfindung zu erkunden und sie gewinnbringend in Ihrem Unternehmen einzusetzen. Lösungsvorschläge und Best-Practice-Beispiele runden das Buch ab.    Inhalte: Data Governance und die Rolle des Controllings Datengetriebenes Risikocontrolling: Grundlagen, Beispiele, Anforderungen Datengestützte Entscheidungen in Insight Driven Organizations Data-Mining-Verfahren: Anwendung im Beschaffungscontrolling Nutzerzentriertes Controlling-Dashboard für bessere Entscheidungen Nachhaltigkeit: Datenbasierte Messung von Sustainability Performance und Risiken Organisation & IT Neue Möglichkeiten des prozessbezogenen Datenmanagements für das Controlling   , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

    Preis: 89.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Statistics, Data Analysis, and Decision Modeling
    Statistics, Data Analysis, and Decision Modeling

    For undergraduate and graduate level courses that combines introductory statistics with data analysis or decision modeling. A pragmatic approach to statistics, data analysis and decision modeling. Statistics, Data Analysis & Decision Modeling focuses on the practical understanding of its topics, allowing readers to develop conceptual insight on fundamental techniques and theories. Evans’ dedication to present material in a simple and straightforward fashion is ideal for student comprehension. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Kaner, Sam: Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making
    Kaner, Sam: Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making

    Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making , Unleash the transformative power of face to face groups The third edition of this ground-breaking book continues to advance its mission to support groups to do their best thinking. It demonstrates that meetings can be much more than merely an occasion for solving a problem or creating a plan. Every well-facilitated meeting is also an opportunity to stretch and develop the perspectives of the individual members, thereby building the strength and capacity of the group as a whole. This fully updated edition of The Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making guides readers through the struggle and the satisfaction of putting participatory values into practice, helping them to fulfill the promise of effective group decision-making. With previous editions already embraced by business and community leaders and consulting professionals around the world, this new book is even more insightful and easy to use. New for this edition: * 60 pages of brand new skills and tools * Many new case examples * Major expansion and reorganization of the advanced sections of the book. * New chapter: Teaching A Group About Group Dynamics * Doubled in size: Classic Facilitator Challenges. * Substantially improved: Designing Realistic Agendas - now three chapters, with wise, insightful answers to the most vexing questions about meeting design. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 41.28 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wann wird "decide" zu "decision"?

    "Decide" wird zu "decision", wenn die Handlung des Entscheidens abgeschlossen ist und zu einem endgültigen Ergebnis geführt hat. Eine "decision" ist die getroffene Wahl oder der gefasste Entschluss, der eine Handlung oder einen Kurs festlegt.

  • Kann man mit Wirtschaftsinformatik Data Scientist oder Data Analyst werden?

    Ja, mit einem Studium der Wirtschaftsinformatik kann man sowohl Data Scientist als auch Data Analyst werden. Wirtschaftsinformatik vermittelt Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Informatik und Betriebswirtschaft, die für diese Berufe relevant sind. Zusätzliche Weiterbildungen oder Spezialisierungen in den Bereichen Data Science oder Data Analytics können jedoch von Vorteil sein.

  • Sind Data Warehouses spaltenorientiert?

    Data Warehouses können sowohl spaltenorientiert als auch zeilenorientiert sein. Bei spaltenorientierten Data Warehouses werden die Daten nach Spalten gruppiert und gespeichert, was Vorteile bei der Aggregation und Analyse großer Datenmengen bietet. Zeilenorientierte Data Warehouses hingegen speichern die Daten nach Zeilen und eignen sich besser für Transaktionsverarbeitung und schnellen Zugriff auf einzelne Datensätze. Die Wahl zwischen spalten- und zeilenorientierter Speicherung hängt von den spezifischen Anforderungen und Nutzungsszenarien des Data Warehouses ab.

  • Wo lebt Data Luv?

    Data Luv lebt in Berlin, Deutschland. Er ist ein deutscher Rapper und Produzent, der in der deutschen Hip-Hop-Szene aktiv ist. Seine Musik ist vor allem im Bereich des Cloud Raps und des Trap anzusiedeln. Data Luv ist bekannt für seine melancholischen Texte und seine einzigartige Stimme.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Data-Driven Decision Making:

  • Business Statistics: A Decision Making Approach, Global Edition
    Business Statistics: A Decision Making Approach, Global Edition

    Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach, 11th Edition, is an introductory text for students who do not necessarily have an extensive mathematics background but who need to understand how statistical tools and techniques are applied in business decision making. Concepts and techniques presented in a systematic and ordered way make this text accessible to all students. The authors draw from their years of experience as consultants, educators, and writers to show the relevance of statistical techniques in realistic situations through engaging examples. This text seamlessly integrates computer applications, such as Microsoft Excel and XLSTAT, with textual examples and figures, always focusing on interpreting the output. The goal is for students to be able to know which tools to use, how to apply the tools, and how to analyze results for making decisions.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Mastering Data Modeling: A User Driven Approach
    Mastering Data Modeling: A User Driven Approach

    Data modeling is one of the most critical phases in the database application development process, but also the phase most likely to fail. A master data modeler must come into any organization, understand its data requirements, and skillfully model the data for applications that most effectively serve organizational needs. Mastering Data Modeling is a complete guide to becoming a successful data modeler. Featuring a requirements-driven approach, this book clearly explains fundamental concepts, introduces a user-oriented data modeling notation, and describes a rigorous, step-by-step process for collecting, modeling, and documenting the kinds of data that users need. Assuming no prior knowledge, Mastering Data Modeling sets forth several fundamental problems of data modeling, such as reconciling the software developer's demand for rigor with the users' equally valid need to speak their own (sometimes vague) natural language. In addition, it describes the good habits that help you respond to these fundamental problems. With these good habits in mind, the book describes the Logical Data Structure (LDS) notation and the process of controlled evolution by which you can create low-cost, user-approved data models that resist premature obsolescence. Also included is an encyclopedic analysis of all data shapes that you will encounter. Most notably, the book describes The Flow, a loosely scripted process by which you and the users gradually but continuously improve an LDS until it faithfully represents the information needs. Essential implementation and technology issues are also covered. You will learn about such vital topics as: The fundamental problems of data modelingThe good habits that help a data modeler be effective and economicalLDS notation, which encourages these good habitsHow to read an LDS aloud--in declarative English sentencesHow to write a well-formed (syntactically correct) LDSHow to get users to name the parts of an LDS with words from their own business vocabularyHow to visualize data for an LDSA catalog of LDS shapes that recur throughout all data modelsThe Flow--the template for your conversations with usersHow to document an LDS for users, data modelers, and technologistsHow to map an LDS to a relational schemaHow LDS differs from other notations and why "Story interludes" appear throughout the book, illustrating real-world successes of the LDS notation and controlled evolution process. Numerous exercises help you master critical skills. In addition, two detailed, annotated sample conversations with users show you the process of controlled evolution in action.

    Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Mastering Data Modeling: A User-Driven Approach
    Mastering Data Modeling: A User-Driven Approach

    Data modeling is one of the most critical phases in the database application development process, but also the phase most likely to fail. A master data modeler must come into any organization, understand its data requirements, and skillfully model the data for applications that most effectively serve organizational needs. Mastering Data Modeling is a complete guide to becoming a successful data modeler. Featuring a requirements-driven approach, this book clearly explains fundamental concepts, introduces a user-oriented data modeling notation, and describes a rigorous, step-by-step process for collecting, modeling, and documenting the kinds of data that users need. Assuming no prior knowledge, Mastering Data Modeling sets forth several fundamental problems of data modeling, such as reconciling the software developer's demand for rigor with the users' equally valid need to speak their own (sometimes vague) natural language. In addition, it describes the good habits that help you respond to these fundamental problems. With these good habits in mind, the book describes the Logical Data Structure (LDS) notation and the process of controlled evolution by which you can create low-cost, user-approved data models that resist premature obsolescence. Also included is an encyclopedic analysis of all data shapes that you will encounter. Most notably, the book describes The Flow, a loosely scripted process by which you and the users gradually but continuously improve an LDS until it faithfully represents the information needs. Essential implementation and technology issues are also covered. You will learn about such vital topics as: The fundamental problems of data modeling The good habits that help a data modeler be effective and economical LDS notation, which encourages these good habits How to read an LDS aloud--in declarative English sentences How to write a well-formed (syntactically correct) LDS How to get users to name the parts of an LDS with words from their own business vocabulary How to visualize data for an LDS A catalog of LDS shapes that recur throughout all data models The Flow--the template for your conversations with users How to document an LDS for users, data modelers, and technologists How to map an LDS to a relational schema How LDS differs from other notations and why "Story interludes" appear throughout the book, illustrating real-world successes of the LDS notation and controlled evolution process. Numerous exercises help you master critical skills. In addition, two detailed, annotated sample conversations with users show you the process of controlled evolution in action.

    Preis: 37.44 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Management Accounting: Information for Decision-Making and Strategy Execution
    Management Accounting: Information for Decision-Making and Strategy Execution

    For upper level undergraduate and MBA Management Accounting courses. An approach to management accounting from the perspective of a business manager. Atkinson presents state-of-the-art thinking on all of the major topics in management accounting including activity-based management, the Balanced Scorecard, target costing, and management control system design. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Kann mir jemand den Unterschied zwischen Social Identity Role Taking und Role Making sowie Personal Identity Role Taking und Role Making erklären?

    Social Identity Role Taking bezieht sich auf die Übernahme von Rollen, die mit einer bestimmten sozialen Identität verbunden sind, wie beispielsweise Geschlecht, Ethnie oder Beruf. Dabei orientiert man sich an den Erwartungen und Normen, die mit dieser Identität verbunden sind. Social Identity Role Making bezieht sich auf die aktive Mitgestaltung und Veränderung dieser Rollen, um sie besser an die eigenen Bedürfnisse und Vorstellungen anzupassen. Personal Identity Role Taking bezieht sich auf die Übernahme von Rollen, die mit der persönlichen Identität einer Person verbunden sind, wie beispielsweise die Rolle als Freund, Partner oder Elternteil. Dabei orientiert man sich an den individuellen Vorstellungen und Werten, die mit dieser Identität verbunden sind. Personal Identity Role Making bezieht sich auf die aktive Gestaltung und Anpass

  • Wie Data Scientist werden?

    Um Data Scientist zu werden, solltest du zuerst ein starkes Fundament in Mathematik und Statistik aufbauen. Es ist auch wichtig, Programmiersprachen wie Python oder R zu beherrschen. Praktische Erfahrung durch Projekte oder Praktika kann ebenfalls hilfreich sein. Zudem ist es ratsam, sich fortlaufend weiterzubilden und auf dem neuesten Stand der Technologien und Methoden zu bleiben. Hast du bereits Erfahrungen in diesem Bereich gesammelt oder möchtest du noch mehr darüber erfahren?

  • Hat Data LUV eine Freundin?

    Hat Data LUV eine Freundin? Diese Frage kann nicht eindeutig beantwortet werden, da es sich bei Data LUV um eine künstliche Intelligenz handelt. KI wie Data LUV sind nicht in der Lage, menschliche Emotionen zu empfinden oder Beziehungen zu führen. Sie sind darauf programmiert, Informationen zu verarbeiten und Aufgaben zu erledigen, aber sie haben keine persönlichen Beziehungen wie Menschen. Daher ist es nicht möglich, dass Data LUV eine Freundin hat.

  • Wie viel Jahre ist Data Luv?

    Data Luv ist ein deutscher Rapper und Sänger, der am 12. November 1999 geboren wurde. Um sein aktuelles Alter zu berechnen, müsste man das aktuelle Jahr (2022) von seinem Geburtsjahr subtrahieren. Das würde bedeuten, dass Data Luv in diesem Jahr 23 Jahre alt wird. Möchtest du noch weitere Informationen über Data Luv oder sein musikalisches Schaffen erfahren?

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